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Showing posts from 2011

Cooking & Exercise

What a great day it has been today! After working a 12 hour night shift, with nothing exciting happening, I was determined to make these pumpking muffins I found from The Nonpareil Baker They were delicious. A little time consuming but worth it for the crisp fresh smell of pumpkin coming from the hot oven on a cold windy day. Check out the recipe! HERE While I was allowing the cream cheese filling to freeze I decided to get a workout in, if I planned on eating a few of the muffins :) For those of you with cable television, Charter Communications has ON DEMAND with FREE Exercise TV. Over 200 different workouts! Here is a link for the 10lb slim down in 30 days. Free calendar and you can watch all of the exercise programs on your computer. Enjoy the muffins and enjoy a great workout! ~A


Well today is a new day! My doctor called this afternoon after a great kickboxing workout and some Pilates :) I had to offically take my first pregnancy test, of many to come I'm sure, to make sure I WASN'T pregnant. A part of me wanted it to come back positive, for just that possibility that a miracle had happened. But of course, withing about 15 seconds, I could already see the negative signs showing up. So I was FOR SURE not pregnant. So with that out of the way, I'm back to taking Provera for another 7 days and then wait for mother nature. I guess I'll just keep my fingers crossed that this time it will help my body get back on track. But again, back to waiting it out.

The Waiting Game

Oh how I hate waiting. And I'm waiting for the one thing that most people would love to wait for, or never have to deal with. Yes, that was me some time ago...Dreading that time of the month when you hurt with cramps, backpain, fatigue and you just couldn't wait for it to be over. Well, NOW, after having this so called plan of 6 months, starting in September, I'm waiting for my body to get with the program. I started on Provera October 1st. My directions: take 1 pill a day for 10 days. Then a period should show up within 7 days.... I'm waiting........ I called my doctor today, like she told me to do since I haven't started a flow within those 7 days, and she doesn't work Monday. So, I'm still waiting........ One more day....WAITING........


So once again I attempt to start my blog on weight loss. However, I've entered a new chapter in my life. Babies. Well not quite yet, but we'll get there. Here's some history..... I was diagnosed with endometriosis in March of 2010, only 3 months after getting married. I had a laparoscopy and had 5-6 different areas. I continued treatment with birth control overlapping each month and when that didn't seem to help the symptoms I started on Lupron. For those of you that are familiar with this product you can attest to its wonderfulness as well as its downfalls. The Lupron put my body into menopause at the age of 24 :) Fun Fun fun!!!! On the first round of shots I did not have a hormone replacement pill which I wish I would have. I had shots every month for 3 months then took a break. In June I had a 3 month dose of Lupron again. The pain continued and I had a second laparoscopy with a tubular dye study in September, and here we are. Our game plan...... My OB/GYN wants to t


We have been eating food since the day we were born. As we grew older we looked to our care takers, whether is it was mom and dad, mom, grandma or whoever, and they taught us to clean our plate! Eat your veggies and fruit. Drink your milk! But as you look at society today - 15-25% of children and adults are considered obese according to MedicineNet. My husband and I just started a new plan to lose weight. I think we have said this about 10 different times since we have been married....which has only been a year and a half :) However, this time we have help. Thanks to we are able to track what food we eat, how much, and track our exercise. What a great tool, and it's FREE!!!! For those who have smart phones, myfitness pal even has a free app to download to your phone, so even when you are on the go, you can still stay on track to meet your weight loss goals. You can even track your progress and follow other members and use them as a resource to keep you motivat


It's been quite some time since my last post. Yes, I started this blog in college and have wanted to make my posts more frequent, but just haven't found out what I truly want to talk about. My passions have changed in the past few years from sports marketing to fitness - spinning and pilates/yoga. However, I thought I would post something about the recent events in Alexandria - Below area few links to articles and news stories aired. I've realized that the facts that are presented by certain media mediums are weighted in one direction depending on which audience that want to get fired up.