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Showing posts from December 23, 2012

Better Late than Never

This post if definitely overdue! As was my pregnancy, I will take this time to recap...... October 11, 2012 7pm My husband and I arrived at the hospital to check in for my induction. The day had finally come where I wasn't going to get bumped from the schedule. I was more than ready to get this baby out. They got me to my room and I changed into my lovely hospital gown. The nurses had me fill out a 10 page questionnaire about everything! I was hooked up to the monitors and was contracting :) Nothing major, but I was having some consistent contractions, which means, I had been contracting for at least about the past week, but nothing to progress me into full blown labor. They administered the drug cytotec to get my body going. They can give the drug every 4 hours if things aren't progressing. Then they would give me pitocin at 6am and see how things would go from there. They monitored my belly for about a half hour and then told me to start walking. We walked and walked an