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Showing posts from December 29, 2013

Oh the holidays

It's horrible to say that I'm excited the Christmas season is over. It seems that this holiday season has become more about the gifts under the tree and the true meaning has been thrown to the wayside. It all starts at 6pm Thanksgiving night where most department stores open their doors for "the best" deals of the season..and it just continues. Don't get me wrong I enjoy spending countless hours with my family eating wonderful food and spending quality time together. What I stress myself out about is the whole production of the day. The appetizers, main course and dessert.  I stress about wondering if the gifts under the tree are all that good enough. Well I changed it up this year after reading a post my sister-in-law posted on Killing Off Super Mom . I kept it simple. A few fancy cheeses with pepperidge farm crackers, wild rice soup from a favorite restaurant and my mom made seafood lasagna. We were too full for dessert. I did have some chocolate covered peanut