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Showing posts from April 22, 2012

16 Weeks!!!!!

Today it's official...I'm 16 weeks pregos. I just had my check up yesterday and things are going just fine. I'm still not feeling 100% so I'm on a 5mg of prednisone to keep the nausea in check. Last Friday was a horrific day. I worked a night shift and was not feeling well most of the night. As soon as I got home at 5am and was feeling horrible - I couldn't keep anything down until after 1pm that afternoon. Let's just say I had a bad run in with breakfast potatoes that took me 45 minutes to make and then about 30 seconds for them to resurface. But I did manage to devour a delicoius ice cream cone from a small town dairy bar. Just a little quaint town a few miles from where we live where all the high school kids go to during lunch since they can't drive off of school property during school hours. So, with feeling so ill lately my love for cooking has taken a back burner. I have no energy to cook or even drive to the grocery store. My laundry has been sit