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Showing posts from March 11, 2012

Keeps Gettin' Better

Well this week has been interesting. It's only Saturday night and I feel like it's been two weeks feeling like this. Time seems to go so slow when you want things to progress quickly. I feel that if I'm going to be pregnant, it would be nice if I looked the part. I'm sure I'll be retracting my words a few months down the line, but I just feel normal. And don't get me wrong, I love that I still fit into my size 8 skinny jeans that I've worked so hard to fit into these past few months, but I see all these cute pregnant girls and I want to join the club. Let me back track this week to Monday....I thought I was going to die. I had to stop in at work and get some papers signed at the court house. I climbed the backstair way all the while talking to my husband on the phone. As I got to the top of the steps there is a small table with brochures on it. I have no idea what the brochures were or what they talked about, all I could focus on was not falling to the floor