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Showing posts from August 19, 2012

33-34 WEEKS

It has been a long week. Tuesday we had our follow up ultra sound to determine if Baby S had turned...and it did!!! We are so excited about that. The ultrasound tech said that there was still fluid around the kidneys, but I haven't heard from the doctor if the levels are normal or not. So both my husband and I left the clinic and he went to work and I went to get my dress fitted for the wedding this weekend. I hadn't been feeling the greatest that morning. A little light headed but figured it would past. Even during the ultrasound I felt really uncomfortable and dizzy. I barely made it through the fitting. She was trying to figure out how to make the top of the dress fit better since it was WAY too big and I had to sit down - TWICE. I tried to tough through it. I called my doctor, left a message, and they told me to come in. By this point, I had a headache, my hands had started to swell even more than the day before and I just didn't feel right. They ran a bunch o