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Showing posts from November 15, 2015

Blame Game

I'm often told that I blame things on a certain someone. However,  I truly believe that this person is only afraid of the truth that is being said. On another note,  I've always struggled with self image and body image.  Over the summer I gained 25 pounds due to stress, change in medication, and likely poor eating habits. However,  I'm on the start of a new lifestyle and working out and trying to make healthy choices as best as possible. But when someone close to you questions your food choices,  it only wants me to make poor food choices.  Yes,  I have food cravings due to stress.  I honestly think the only way to truly get my stress eating under control is to eliminate a certain person from my life. They say they are around to help,  but yet questions every text that comes in or phone call. I believe this person just wants to control my future and decide who and what is best for me. On a happier note,  I did get an interview for a full-time position for a state positio