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Showing posts from December 9, 2018

End of the Year Wrap Up

If I gave myself a dollar for every time I said, "Wow, time really flies by!" I'd likely have my student loans paid off. I haven't written a post in over 6 months, since my last post was June 11th. But once again, I have been busy...because who isn't!?! No excuses, but I have held back a little bit due to my new position and getting the feel for my new digs, new location, new job, new friends, new routine and all that jazz. Well, if you hadn't figured it out by now, shortly after my last post I was offered and accepted a position teaching full-time health. Exciting right!?! It was. It was absolutely the most amazing thing to ever experience hearing over the phone, we would like to offer you a position. It is even more amazing when you get the offer the same day of the interview, and even better when you left the interviewing thinking to yourself, this is where I need to be. This is where my career should begin. In my previous post "Where Have I been&quo