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Showing posts from June 10, 2018

Where have I been?!?

It's almost June...where has the time gone? I honestly, and I know I say this every single time that I'm absent from blogging, but where has the time gone? So so so much has happened since my last post. As in, I freakin' graduated college! For the second time! With honors! I successfully completed student teaching in May. It was a whirl wind. But I almost forgot the most important piece of all this...and no it isn't a job..I'll get to that part later. I passed EdTPA!!! I'm only the 2nd person to pass it from the HPE department at MSUM. Another girl from my class also passed. She had submitted hers before me so technically she passed first. The EdTPA is one of those things that seemed like an overwhelming task, and really doesn't determine whether you are a good teacher or not. Regardless, I passed, and didn't have to submit any remediation back to MSUM. It was a HUGE relief. Right before I switched from my high school student teaching placement a PE