So many times I feel like I am bombarded with messages urging me to buy this, or buy that. As I surf through the channels at 2 AM, there is nothing but informercials on about a new weight loss program, or a video that will help you get ready for swim suit season. Whether it is on TV during your favorite episode of Grey's Anatomy, or in your favorite movies, there is constantly a demand for our attention for the products that our favorite characters use. I recently revisted my favorite TV series the OC and watched few episodes on DVD this weekend and noticed that even, in the first few episodes, there are the characters eating LAY's potatoe chips, and the bag is clearly marked. Producers were able to get Lay's to advertise within the first 3 episodes. The next time you go to the theater and pay $8 to see a new movie like Blades of Glory, see how many times you notice a name brand used or a product that is strategically placed for its aucience to see how it is being used a...
The journey of life....because nothing is ever perfect: but I'm hoping to make an impression!