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Showing posts from November 20, 2016

Catch - UP

* Disclosure....this will be a long blog post* Holy moly! I seriously haven't blogged since August? Where the heck has time gone. I think I do a lot of "blogging" in my head when I'm driving 200 miles a day. Being in the car gives me a lot of time to think. Think about life, think about, "oh yeah, that would be a great idea for a blog post." Then I start constructing sentences, but never actually put them anywhere. So, I guess why that's where we are now....almost three months from my last post. Opps. So I apologize in advance for those loyal readers out there who have been wondering where I've gone. I haven't gone anywhere or disappeared, I just literally, haven't had time to sit and type out anything. But I'll give you a quick recap and then get to my point for the post. School : School has taken over my life. Four days a week, 100 miles in the AM and 100 miles home. About October, I finally got in the groove of things and waking up