Finally a story with no sports...unless you consider technology and teaching a sport, and some may :) Technology Teaches in the Classroom Sitting alone at the bottom of the hill, in a quaint rural town near Alexandria is Garfield Elementary. A building known for its salmon-pink tin siding and the abundance of learning that provides for approximately 100 students. However, inside there is something that is hard to find in schools these days. Her classroom is unique compared to most elementary classrooms in a typical elementary school. Garfield Elementary arranges their classrooms centering around the media center, which is sunken in the middle of the school. Kindergarten through sixth grade surrounds the media center. None of the classrooms have closing doors to shut out noise or students walking outside the classroom. Andrews shares a sink with the neighboring third-grade classroom which open the room even more, and allows more noise to travel into the second grade classroom. The...
The journey of life....because nothing is ever perfect: but I'm hoping to make an impression!