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Showing posts from February 26, 2012

It's Been Too Long

It has been quite some time since my last post. I took some time off from blogging to try and focus not only on the problem of not getting pregnant, but enjoying life and what opportunities I have at this very moment. I really started exercising, not as a way to lose weight, although that never is bad thing :) but just for something else to focus on. I love how my body feels after a grueling workout of sweat dripping heart pounding muscle enduring workout. I was getting a little carried away when all I thought about was when my next workout was going to be, and then it happened...... My husband and I took a little trip to Mexico for some much deserved R&R along with my mom and dad. It was a quick 5 day trip, but every minute was so worth it! I had been tracking my BBT for about 3 weeks at this time and my doctor said that implantation would not take place for 10 days after ovulation, so when we got back from our trip I still had to wait to find out. I took an early detection home p