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Showing posts from April 26, 2020

Is the grass really greener on the other side?

While I know this title for this post is cliche, it has been the theme of my life since almost a year ago. I loved my job, had amazing co-workers, but was away from family. A job opportunity came my way and I struggled to know if it was the right move. Was it something that I really wanted? The move would be better for K and the ability to co-parent, but I needed to feel value in my career. I had all of that from where I came from, and was hoping to find it here. As the year has progressed, I have been through a gauntlet of emotions, roller coaster of life events, and attempting to navigate the new normal. I used every available tool to get a grip on my new position; to be the best I could be. I have a passion, which is why I went back to school. I feel my passion dying and fading. Not because I don't like teaching, but because I don't feel connected. I have that feeling of being forced to play a sport that I'm really not passionate about. I remember growing up and bein...