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It's Been Too Long

It has been quite some time since my last post. I took some time off from blogging to try and focus not only on the problem of not getting pregnant, but enjoying life and what opportunities I have at this very moment.

I really started exercising, not as a way to lose weight, although that never is bad thing :) but just for something else to focus on. I love how my body feels after a grueling workout of sweat dripping heart pounding muscle enduring workout. I was getting a little carried away when all I thought about was when my next workout was going to be, and then it happened......

My husband and I took a little trip to Mexico for some much deserved R&R along with my mom and dad. It was a quick 5 day trip, but every minute was so worth it!

I had been tracking my BBT for about 3 weeks at this time and my doctor said that implantation would not take place for 10 days after ovulation, so when we got back from our trip I still had to wait to find out.

I took an early detection home pregnancy test, E.P.T was the one that was recommended as being the test that can detect the smalled amount of HGC in the urine. The first test was slightly positive. There were two lines evident, but the second line was a bit faded.

I had a friend come over, who is a mom, to have her check it out. She told me to give it a few more days and then re-check. So, four days later, I peed on the stick right away in the morning, and within 10 seconds both lines showed up!

It was a lot to take in. This had been the plan since September and after months of waiting and waiting, it had finally happened.

So with that, I am now 8 weeks and two days pregnant and still going strong. I can't say that I've been feeling the greatest. I lost 6lbs within a week when I was about 6 weeks. I have yet to have an appetite and feel like eating anything. Every time I do eat, I want to get sick. Finally, my doctor put me on Zofran to help with the nausea. It seems to be doing an okay job. It's not perfect, but it helps for a few hours.

A few people at work know and our families know, but here I am writing to the Internet world telling everyone before I even tell my co-workers :)

I have my 1st OB appointment in about 4 weeks and we will get to hear the heart beat. We saw our baby at our 7th week ultrasound and saw the flicker of the heart on the monitor - 124bmp. Not sure if that is good or not, but it was pretty cool to see it.

I'm continuing to workout and teach Pilates and Spin whenever I can. So now, I'll be using this blog as a way to write to my future child, and to remember what this pregnancy was like. It's our first child and we are so excited.

Thank you to those of you who are following this blog, and stay tuned for the latest updates.



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