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Where have I been?!?

It's almost June...where has the time gone? I honestly, and I know I say this every single time that I'm absent from blogging, but where has the time gone? So so so much has happened since my last post. As in, I freakin' graduated college! For the second time! With honors! I successfully completed student teaching in May. It was a whirl wind. But I almost forgot the most important piece of all this...and no it isn't a job..I'll get to that part later. I passed EdTPA!!! I'm only the 2nd person to pass it from the HPE department at MSUM. Another girl from my class also passed. She had submitted hers before me so technically she passed first. The EdTPA is one of those things that seemed like an overwhelming task, and really doesn't determine whether you are a good teacher or not. Regardless, I passed, and didn't have to submit any remediation back to MSUM. It was a HUGE relief.

Right before I switched from my high school student teaching placement a PE position opened in the Alexandria School district. I quickly applied before leaving on my 10 day trip to Mexico. I'll talk about Mexico too....don't worry. I was asked to interview on my first day at the middle school around mid April. They asked me for a second interview, but this time it was a phone interview. Strange, but hey it's a second interview. After what seemed to take forever, a missed call and a voicemail later I found out I did not get the position, and it was offered to another candidate. That was all it said. I was completely heartbroken. I was devastated. Everything I had been working for the last two years had come crashing down. I felt the same way I felt when I finally realized that I was getting a divorce. Now what am I going to do? I didn't have a plan B. I didn't have a back up plan, because this was my home. Alex was where I needed to stay. I needed to stay here for K. I needed a job here to keep the peace with A. Sometimes in life, the way you have things planned, or want them to go, isn't exactly how it works out. This I have seen before, hence the single mom status I wear proudly. Everything would have just been too perfect. So here I am. Searching for jobs near Alex, which is nothing. There is nothing open within 100 miles of Alexandria. Nonetheless I carry on with my head held high.

I was offered a long-term sub position at a charter school in Apple Valley. I teach 4 days a week health and fitness to Kindergarten through 8th graders. It has been a wonderful experience and has definitely helped me to craft my classroom management skills and another opportunity for me to realize where my true passion lies: teaching health. I was offered a position at another charter school, but didn't feel that it was the right fit for me. Yes, I was thrilled to be offered a position, but I've lived my life long enough and taken opportunities just for the sake of taking the job to pay bills, and I didn't just go back to school to "get any job." I want the job to be the right fit. I want to feel that my skills can be utilized to the maximum potential. I even have another interview next Friday for a full-time position in health in a small town. Not exactly close to Alexandria, but I can't pass up the opportunity. With all that has been going on this past month, it has been a bit crazy driving to Apple Valley, staying with friends a few nights, driving back to Alex to spend a night with K or meeting my parents halfway to play at a park and go to dinner. This month has flown by, but has provided so much experience. I wish I had a little more direction and insight as to where I should take the next step, but with time, reflection, and patience it will happen. At times I wish I had a crystal ball that could show me the right direction I should take, but what fun would that be....okay, for me, who likes to have control and have an idea of where things are headed, it would be a dream come true.


I was in need of a vacation. Not only just from finishing up 12 weeks of student teaching, but completing and submitting my EdTPA, I was ready to unplug and relax for 10 days on a beach. It was a very relaxing vacation. I had never been on a vacation for 10 days before and was worried that I would get antsy or miss home. That maybe happened one time, but other than that, I stayed focused on enjoying the resort and every bit of sunshine I could. I ended up having an allergic reaction to the sun/heat rash for most of the time we were there, but I didn't let it stop me from having fun. I was sad and ready to go home all at the same time. I was not ready or excited about the snow storm that occurred the day we got back. One would think that warmer weather was on the horizon getting back in April, but we still had 4 weeks of winter!

We celebrated B's 31st birthday and golden birthday at that! We explored the island of Cozumel one day with a group of people from the wedding party and had a great time exploring another island and city. B and I are already starting to plan and brainstorm where our next winter getaway will be.

These are just a few of my favorites from our trip


After getting back from 10 days in Mexico, we had already booked our next getaway to go and see A & K in Texas. I found B and I really cheap tickets for a long weekend over my birthday and it worked out for us to go and visit. Austin is an amazing city. We were able to see a free 3 hour iheartradio country music festival. There were huge names playing on stage. Did I mention this was a free concert?!? The brunch we had before was unbelievable. The $2 mimosas weren't bad either.

 Chicken and Waffles
Breakfast calzone

We were able to move our way from the back of the crowd by the end of the concert and had a clear view of the stage.

For my birthday we went to Lake Travis. They have a brewery there, and a breath-taking view of the lake. The brewery is up on a cliff overlooking Lake Travis. It truly is a site to see. The sunset that evening was gorgeous.

Eventually, we had to come back from reality, and came back without our next adventure planned. Graduation was just a week away. I cannot believe I did it. Graduating in 2 years, when they told me it would be 2.5 with student teaching in the fall. Although I didn't walk at graduation, I graduated with Cum Laude honors.

At this point, the job hunt was on. The Alexandria position did not work out in my favor, but sometimes things happen for a reason, even when you don't quite know what that reason is at the moment. Yes, it would have made things easy between A and I, but sometimes change is good.

I feel like this post should be a lot longer since I have been on hiatus, but I think I covered it all. I'm ready for my next adventure, wherever that may be. Sometimes in life it is hard to be patient when what you had your mind set on doesn't come to light. I know things will work out, I just need to have a little patience, and some faith that things will turn out in my favor.

Until next time, be kind to yourself and to others.



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