As I was driving back from Minneapolis after picking up friends from the airport at 6AM, I was trying to stay awake and read the billboards as I was making the treck up to wonderful Moorhead Minnesota. There really isn't anything amazing to look at besides words on signs after Fergus Falls. However, as I neared Barnsville, and noting (only 30 more miles) a sign on the left side of the I-94 caught my attention. There was Cenex sign, with a 3-D Cenex man waving at those passing by with a speech bubble " How's my waving?" And then a number followed 1-877-CHAT. Now, I have no idea what the purpose of this billboard is. I have been contemplating this for the entire weekend. Is it brand recognition? A friendly hello? The billboard itself isn't selling anything, but it does catch the drivers eye. Whoever designed this billboard was creative, but I'm still confused as to what the object of this billboard is. Do they really want people to call and 'chat'? Maybe one of these days I will call and find out, or we can call sometime when we have class and can all determine for ourselves what the purpose of this is. As for now, I'm still confused as before, but, at least its getting people to think about it. So I say, thumbs up to Cenex for trying something different and creating a 'buzz' among those who take notice of advertising techniques.
So once again I attempt to start my blog on weight loss. However, I've entered a new chapter in my life. Babies. Well not quite yet, but we'll get there. Here's some history..... I was diagnosed with endometriosis in March of 2010, only 3 months after getting married. I had a laparoscopy and had 5-6 different areas. I continued treatment with birth control overlapping each month and when that didn't seem to help the symptoms I started on Lupron. For those of you that are familiar with this product you can attest to its wonderfulness as well as its downfalls. The Lupron put my body into menopause at the age of 24 :) Fun Fun fun!!!! On the first round of shots I did not have a hormone replacement pill which I wish I would have. I had shots every month for 3 months then took a break. In June I had a 3 month dose of Lupron again. The pain continued and I had a second laparoscopy with a tubular dye study in September, and here we are. Our game plan...... My OB/GYN wants to t...