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A New Year

Today starts a new day of a brand new year. Well, technically it's the second day of a brand new year. It was brought to my attention that I haven't updated my blog in quite some time.

So that baby thing in on hold until my body figures out what it wants to do or if it's even something it wants to do.

On another note, I have been faithfully working out and have maintained my 13+ lbs of weightloss since July 4th.

I recently started utilizing CrossFit workouts with my husband and his good friend. Although I can't keep up with them, I try my best to work as hard as I can.

I've also started teaching at the local YMCA - Pilates/Yoga & Spin

Working out and sweating has become my new drug and I LOVE IT!

My husband and I are celebrating our 2 year anniversary today - I can't believe how much we have done in the past two years; our adventures, our trials and tribulations our accomplishments and our failures. It's crazy to think that 2 years ago, on a Saturday that the tempurture was about -15 degrees we were starting to take our wedding pictures. And here we are today....So much wiser, a littler richer, and much more educated in the way of life.....

Who am I kidding?!?

So today this post is dedicated to my loving husband, who I couldn't imagine what my life would be without him.


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