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31 Weeks...well just about

It's been a few weeks since my last post.

My husband and I have been running around town getting things ready to start building this month. It's so crazy to think that we've been looking for a house since February and had thought of the idea of building but knew that we would get more house if we purchased one and here we are getting building permits, 911 address signs and lining up all of our suppliers.

Until the baby is born this will be my next project...building a house. Then it will be moving into the in-laws house after my sister-in-laws wedding and planning for baby and a house. Then it will be planning a house and taking care of baby :) I guess we just like to keep things interesting!

Excavation is planned for August 13th- One week away! And then I'll be 32 weeks. Officially 8 months pregnant.

I only have about 9 weeks to go, less if we have a planned c-section.

Baby S is still moving around a lot. I think it's training to be a UFC fighter with all the knee kicks and elbow jabs I'm getting. It's getting harder to get comfortable at night to sleep. Every time I lie down I feel like I need to puke because of the acid reflux and pressure baby is putting on my stomach.

I have been putting off wearing these awesome compression socks, but my doctor has ordered me to wear them at all times. She said, no more cute flip flops or shorts....Is she kidding?!? It's Minnesota and it's still summer....and I still have 3 weddings this month! So, I'm trying to be a good complacent patient and wear them as much as possible. My blood is pooling in my legs which causes me to pass out when I stand up and feel dizzy even when I'm sitting down.

None of my pants really fit any more comfortably. I told husband A that I don't feel pretty and just feel gigantic. Of course he replied, "You're pregnant. Your pants aren't suppose to fit."

But still. I've put on over 10 pounds from my original weight when I first was pregnant and I just feel awful. However, A was in a wedding this weekend and I love getting dress up for weddings. He told me how beautiful I looked in my dress and that he loved me more in the dress pregnant than when I wasn't pregnant and wore the dress. Although, I never had the dress before I was pregnant so he's never seen me in the dress not pregos :)

We met some very cool people from Springfield Illinois who we hope to go and visit next summer with Baby S! A real road trip.

My latest cravings include anything chocolate or sweet dessert. I can't get enough. Cookies, cake, candy, ice cream, you name it, I have to have it! No wondering I'm putting on the pounds :)

I keep trying to tell myself to watch what I eat and to eat balanced meals, but sometimes I eat so much I don't know where I find room to put it all. And other times, I can barely finish an English muffin.

My goal with week with a few days off is to cook a few new recipes. I need to get into Mommy Mode and try and plan meals for the week, cook them all in one day and have things ready to go. Because with our schedules, there is no time to think, "what do we have for dinner," and then we end up ordering pizza or something. We are in saving money mode!!!!

So, if you have any great recipes I should try, please feel free to send them my way. I'm always willing to give something a try, and my family is willing to be my guinea pigs too :)

Until next time, stay active and live life to the fullest.



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