Valentine's Day is my least favorite "holiday." And I say "holiday" because it really isn't a holiday at all. It was invented as a commercial holiday to sell more cards, over-priced chocolate, and unforeseeable prices on flowers. Up until this year I had never gotten actual roses on Valentine's Day. And no, they did not come from a man. My amazing dad, along with my precious Miss K, got me a dozen roses as a surprise when I got home from school. We had to celebrate a day early because of my school schedule, but the flowers were definitely a surprise.
I made Miss K's valentine's as I always do for preschool and daycare. I'm trying to be a Pinterest mom when I can, and I'm very proud of these. Not a ton of work, but it just took some planning. With all the pressure to "have it all together," and I totally don't, I attempt to make up for it with these simple, yet time consuming valentine.
My first round was horrible to say the least. After 4-5 rounds we took a break to get more drinks. A friend of mine and myself wanted to run during the break. We didn't think we could endure any more torture. I figured at this rate, I would be glad to stay single the rest of my life. our server encouraged us to stick it out a little longer. Oh, what the heck. It didn't get much better during the second half. We begged to have the announcer go from 5 minute rounds to 2 minute rounds. Because you can definitely determine whether you have a connection with someone in about 2 minutes. I honestly couldn't wait to get out of there and get on with my night. Now, it wasn't the worst Valentine's Day ever, but it was definitely ranking up there. We were finally on our last round for the night. Thank God! And honestly, I finally met someone that I could have a normal conversation with. It was a breath of fresh air to have an honest conversation with someone who knew how to communicate and didn't honestly think they were going to find the love of their life in one night.
The event finally ended and it was all something we can say we did together. We swore we wouldn't tell anyone about what we all did, but that didn't happen. People couldn't help themselves and tell the rest of our PE groupies what we were up to on Valentine's Day. Of course, being the "mom" old, and single, one of the group, I caught the most heat on whether or not I found love that night. Especially with my first "date" of the evening. We continued to laugh and chalked it up as an evening we won't ever forget. And we were was a good social experiment, and an opportunity to talk to people you might never meet!
So, did I find love after all? You will have to stay tuned......
I made Miss K's valentine's as I always do for preschool and daycare. I'm trying to be a Pinterest mom when I can, and I'm very proud of these. Not a ton of work, but it just took some planning. With all the pressure to "have it all together," and I totally don't, I attempt to make up for it with these simple, yet time consuming valentine.
My Non-Traditional Valentine's Day 2017
On Valentine's Day I had a full day at school, starting at 9 am until 7 pm. A group of us went out after class to a small college bar close to campus. It's $2 bottles and $2 hamburgers or tacos - so how can you go wrong! Well, they were also having a speed dating event as well since it was Valentine's Day. I was all for it, but just as a social experiment. Of our group, half of them had significant others, but we would only go ahead and do it if we ALL did it. Time came to sign-up and we decided to go for it. None of us had ever done speed dating before. But watching the clientele come in and options, we were dreading the next hour of our life. However, we could win $25 to pay for our bar tab, so what the heck right?!?My first round was horrible to say the least. After 4-5 rounds we took a break to get more drinks. A friend of mine and myself wanted to run during the break. We didn't think we could endure any more torture. I figured at this rate, I would be glad to stay single the rest of my life. our server encouraged us to stick it out a little longer. Oh, what the heck. It didn't get much better during the second half. We begged to have the announcer go from 5 minute rounds to 2 minute rounds. Because you can definitely determine whether you have a connection with someone in about 2 minutes. I honestly couldn't wait to get out of there and get on with my night. Now, it wasn't the worst Valentine's Day ever, but it was definitely ranking up there. We were finally on our last round for the night. Thank God! And honestly, I finally met someone that I could have a normal conversation with. It was a breath of fresh air to have an honest conversation with someone who knew how to communicate and didn't honestly think they were going to find the love of their life in one night.
The event finally ended and it was all something we can say we did together. We swore we wouldn't tell anyone about what we all did, but that didn't happen. People couldn't help themselves and tell the rest of our PE groupies what we were up to on Valentine's Day. Of course, being the "mom" old, and single, one of the group, I caught the most heat on whether or not I found love that night. Especially with my first "date" of the evening. We continued to laugh and chalked it up as an evening we won't ever forget. And we were was a good social experiment, and an opportunity to talk to people you might never meet!