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32 Weeks

I am so ready. I am ready to not be pregnant any more. I know that sounds terrible but I truly miss my old body. I miss being able to run and sleep normal. Although the sleeping thing is not going to change to any normal schedule anytime soon.

My lists of things to get done is growing.

List number 1 - Things to have for Baby

Baby Check List
• 7 onesies (short sleeved and long sleeved)
• 7 footed sleepers
• Lots of newborn socks (10 pairs)
• 3 rompers
• Bouncy seat/swing
• Prepare frozen meals for a few weeks
• Car seat
• Bassinet
• Glider
• Changing Table
• Baby Carrier/sling
• Breast Pump
• Diaper Genie
• Blanks for swaddling
• Diapers
o Two pages of new born diapers
o One packed of size 1 diapers
• Wipes
• Diaper rash cream
• Baby shampoo & baby wash
• Baby bath tub
• Baby towels & wash cloths
• Diaper bag
• Stroller
• Water proof protector for crib
• Water proof mattress cover for queen sized bed

List number 2 - what to pack in my hospital bag

1. Granny Panties
2. Pads
3. Make up
4. Lounge pants & tank
5. Blow dryer
6. Toiletries
7. Pj’s
8. Cell phone
9. Cell phone charger
10. Grey Robe
11. Newborn outfit and 0-3 outfit
12. Car seat
13. Socks for baby
14. Video camera
15. Video camera charger
16. Camera
17. Camera charger
18. Baby Book
19. Socks for me
20. Flip flops for shower
21. Nursing bra
22. Slippers
23. Go home clothes – probably yoga pants - Hopefully soon I'll be back into those skinny jeans for the fall
24. Nursing pads
25. Change for vending machine for AS
26. Gum, lifesavers & other snacks
27. Chapstick
28. Receiving blanket
29. Boppy pillow for nursing
30. NOOK
31. Tylenol
32. Hair Ties
33. Laptop & charger
34. Pillow & Blanket from home

I've been searching online to find out 'just what I need' to have everything planned. I am hoping to purchase the car seat this week online. I just can't wait on that any longer. I have one more shower before my due date in September and then I will have to go hit up Target for anything that I'm still missing. I truly don't think that all of my required things are going to fit into one bag. I was thinking I would pack my Victoria's Secret pink bag and have the giraffe bag all ready for baby when we go home.

I still have some anxiety about how this will all work out. I'm anxious about not knowing if I will have a C-section or not. I have no idea what it is going to be like pain wise after delivery. How does breastfeeding work?

I'm struggling with determining what is truly essential to have when the baby comes home. What are the things that we just can't live without. Obviously, diapers, milk, clothes, blankets and toys, and hygiene stuff...but what about a swing. Some people swear by them. Well, in our current situation we don't really have all that EXTRA amount of space to put crap everywhere. I'm thinking that I will get some sort of seat that vibrates and skip the massive swing, unless I can find a used one that works pretty well. I'm still struggling on what to do when the baby is super small. I think I'm just going to use the bassinette that comes with the pack and play and forgo the other cradle I had registered for. I'm trying to buy the necessities and skip out on the things that you could use but can get by without. My baby is just going to have to tough it out until we move into our house.

Speaking of house, they started digging the hole today. Yesterday they cleared out the trees! Our lot looks HUGE now! I can't believe it. I told AS that we needed to budget for a riding lawn mower now. I just can't believe that after all this time, we are actually building. Come this April, we will have a new house, and a new baby moving into a new neighborhood.

With just about 60 days to go, I'm crossing each day off in my calendar. It will be a busy week next week with work and then little LS is getting married! We are so excited for her special day that she has been planning for almost a year. In a few short weeks she will become Mrs. LB


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