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Another New Chapter

It was one year ago that my life changed in an instant. Those words I heard still linger in the back of my mind. I can remember the day, the place, the time. You would think that 265 days would make a difference in how you relive that life changing moment, but it doesn't. So many things have happened within the last year that it feels like a whirlwind of events.

I was driving to the lake this weekend and had to ask myself, "Is this all just a horrible dream? When will I wake up and things will be normal again." But it isn't a dream. This is life. There's no point in living in the past. Only utilizing past experiences to become stronger and to make better decisions.

I have always believed that things happen in life for a reason. The people you meet, the jobs you have. Together they make the dash between your birth and death date on your tombstone. I left the SO in search for something more fitting to what my degree is in. I began that search a year ago and landed a new job with new responsibilities and opportunities to improve my communication skills along with learning new tasks. It was a privilege to work for Medi-Sota and Rural Health Alliance and I am so grateful for the experiences I've had with them.

However, I am excited to start another new chapter with a new job, new house, and a new lease on life. New rules to live by and on my own.

In a previous post I talked about closing windows and opening doors. This is one of those moments of closing one door and opening another door and window. So far the view is pretty great.

I hope you continue to follow me on my journey of Lasting Impressions.


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