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Juice Cleanse

As promised, here is my blog post on how my 1-day juice cleanse went. I know, it's a little late, but my school schedule has been crazy...and it was Grape Stomp this past weekend. To say I'm a little exhausted is an understatement. But regardless, I'm back at it, tackling another week, and doing another cleanse as we speak.

As a disclaimer, I did this cleanse on my own and was not compensated for doing the cleanse. I am not being compensated for my review of the cleanse.

The reason I wanted to do the cleanse was for one, just to try it out. My other reason was the fact that I've been stuck at the same number on the scale for almost a year. It hasn't changed at all, regardless of all my changes. Even with my exercise this summer, it hasn't fluctuated much. I also wanted to see if by doing a cleanse would help reduce some of my headaches. Lately, they have been getting out of control again. I had read a little bit on how to prepare for the cleanse by eating more vegetables and a lot of water the day before the cleanse as a way to prep your body, so I did. I prepped roasted vegetables in the oven for dinner the night before, and it was delicious.

Monday morning I went in and bought my six juices and the girl behind the counter was SO helpful! She recommended doing a cleanse once a month, and to drink LOTS of water throughout the day. She said if I HAD to eat that I could eat things that were mostly water, like watermelon, cucumbers, and almonds for crunch. I did purchase an extra juice, Black Magic, and started my morning out with that one.

Mondays for me at school I have class from 10-3, so I'm in class all day, without a lot of temptations to go out and buy food. The worst part of it was all the driving and not having something to eat. The drive home after my last class was the worst! I was thinking too much about how I couldn't eat that I just wanted to eat. K had left her PopTart in my car, so I ended up cheating....a little. I had about a quarter size piece of was actually pretty gross. I don't eat PopTarts to begin with, but I needed to chew something. It did the trick. I felt satisfied.

I got home and made K dinner. I was on track to have my last juice at 6:00. I got busy cooking dinner, bath time and getting K ready for bed that I didn't actually sit down and eat. I finally got around to drinking the rest of my juice around 8:00 after K went to bed, and I started my homework. I love that I was able to enjoy the Cina Mina as the last juice of the day. It literally tastes like Cinnamon Toast Crunch in a glass.

Side Effects:
I didn't really feel like I suffered any side effects during my cleanse. I honestly felt full the entire day. Drinking one juice every 2 hours doesn't seem like it would be fulfilling but between the juices and water, I was drinking something all day and didn't have a ton of time to think about NOT eating. I did get a headache that day that was kinda intense, but I stayed hydrated and it went away eventually. By the next morning, I felt AMAZING! I was ready to do another day of it even.

I didn't take any measurements or weigh myself before the cleanse, because I wasn't really expecting instant results from a 1-day juice cleanse. I was mostly looking to reduce bloat and stomach bulge, and just that feeling of feeling gross. I'm actually doing another one today as I type this out. I'm on juice 4 right now...I'm a little behind schedule, but I also added a full juice before starting the 6 juices for today. I was planning a head a little better since I'm on campus a lot longer today. I wanted to be sure I had a juice to keep me occupied on my drive home.

If you have never done a cleanse before, or have heard of people doing them and are scared of what it is going to do, have no fear, it's not one of THOSE cleanses. There are no trips to the bathroom because your insides are running out of you. Other than having to pee a lot because of all the water your should be drinking, that's it. I didn't have any other gross cleanse mishaps.

I love all of the juices that Nice Juicery has, so I loved every single one! There are a few green juices that might be a little strong for a newbie, but ask if you can switch it out with one that might be a little sweeter for your liking.

If anyone has any questions about the cleanse, let me know. Nice Juicery has three options for cleanses: 1-day, 2-day or a 3-day. I have only done the 1-day cleanse, but would like to do a 2 or 3 day cleanse sometime...maybe after Thanksgiving or Christmas :)


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