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Best Year Yet: Cheers to 2017

With the year 2017 soon coming to a close and a New Year's resolution just around the corner, I have to think back on the past 365 days. I looked at my blog list and saw about 6 different posts that still had draft next to their title post. Leaving unfinished drafts is not like me, but apparently my head has been in the clouds or I realized it was almost midnight and I still had homework to complete. I realize I have not been as dedicated to this blog as I would have like to have been the last year, but the one thing I did commit to doing this year was making it about me, and finding true happiness. And my 2017 New Year's resolution has been completed! Maybe the first real resolution that I've ever held myself accountable for.

But for real, if I look back at last year around this same time I remember thinking about how thankful I was for my true friends and all of our adventures that we get ourselves into. It has been one of those years that has been extremely difficult, but so accomplishing at the same time. In January I started my semester with 25 credits, and finished knowing I was getting to graduate an entire semester earlier, which meant student teaching in January 2018 instead of the fall of 2018. I finished out that semester with a 3.6 GPA along with only going in the ditch one week before finals in April.

The summer flew by with 3 online summer classes, working full-time, and working just about every weekend at the winery for weddings. Working weddings was a new change this summer, but I was needing a change of pace, and it was just what I needed. I absolutely LOVE weddings. All the love, two people committing to one another for a lifetime, is just so magical. I get goosebumps every time the bride and groom dance their first dance. Happiness fills the room and most nights I leave exhausted from running around the room all night long. There were even a few nights when I would go for a run or head to the gym after a long shift to burn off some extra energy.

I was so unprepared and not ready to go back to school this fall. There was just too much going on and I didn't have enough time to get myself prepped for the commute and hitting the books. I decided that Kennedy was going to be my number one and school would be #2. She had been through so many changes this summer that I knew she was going to need me to be present at every moment. She was going to need me more than ever. I survived the semester without any tears, but one less gallbladder. There is details on all of that in another post that I will have to undraft in a few days (like a TBT kind of post). 

The point of this post was to talk about how truly grateful of all of the amazing things that have happened...mostly in the past 6 months. I have met some of the most wonderful people and am so blessed to have me them. I am beyond blessed to be considered part of the family, and they have accepted me and K into their family like we just belong.

Our Christmas tradition was changed just slightly this year, and moved a day ahead of our traditional day of celebration on December 24th. With the change of plans it made things a little more complicated in terms of making travel plans and getting to everyone's holiday in the city and not feeling completely overwhelmed with driving back and forth. I was doubtful that my other half would be able to make it to the Andrews family Christmas because of work and other responsibilities. I was busy at my house making a pie for Christmas Eve in the cities and K was having some rest time before the long night of family and present opening. K and I were dressed in our Christmas best and headed to my parents house to go to church together. As we pulled in the driveway there was an unfamiliar car, but I thought nothing of it, since my brother had been out with friends earlier and his friends are always at my parent's house when he's home visiting. As I walked through the door, there he was, with his mom on the couch! I was so surprised, and speechless. I didn't know what to say or how to respond. I was so surprised that they had come all the way to celebrate Christmas with me and my family. I felt so special. He knew how stressed out I was about not knowing whether he was able to make it or not and just played into it the last three days before Saturday. As pissed off and full of anxiety that entire day about not knowing if he was going to make the trip, that all went away when I saw him sitting there. How could I be mad! It turned out to be one of the best Christmas's we've ever had as a family in a really long time. I truly felt the magic of Christmas that night. I am so grateful for B and his mom for making the trip to celebrate Christmas in Alex. You definitely made my Christmas the best one ever!

Our story doesn't end there. Christmas Eve we headed back to the cities and K was able to spend time with her dad and his family. Another joyous and celebratory evening was spent with A and K in their home along with a few card games and games. We laughed, we danced, we toasted to A and K's new adventure. As sad as I am that they are leaving Minnesota, I am beyond excited for them on this new adventure and the opportunity to go and visit. Christmas in Austin in 2018!

These two people are the reason that B and I met. If it wasn't for them, getting married, at the winery, and their other brother introducing us, I would have never met this amazing family. Our long distance relationship is hard sometimes, but getting to know them these last 6 months has been incredible. I have spent countless hours with A and K at their house, they've given me a tour of downtown Lakeville, a surprise party bus for K's 30th birthday, A smoked brisket Labor Day weekend, and many hours of watching Game of Thrones Sunday afternoons before football season. I am incredibly blessed and look forward to more adventures with these two.

2017 has been one of those good years. The kind that you look back on and feel truly proud about and know that you busted your ass and feel good about where you ended your year. I feel motivated to tackle 2018 and have plans for a vacation in March, that I'm so excited about. A 10-day romantic getaway....I cannot wait...but I also need to get into bikini shape in a few 3 short months. I best be hitting the gym come January 1, 2018.

In all honesty, I'm thankful for B, and all his family. I'm grateful for all of my HPE colleagues who have been so supportive, and encouraging my last three semesters at MSUM. We've created a bond that will last a lifetime. I know I can count on them for a stiff drink after graduation to help celebrate that fact we made it! I know I said I would dedicate a blog post to all of our adventures, but for now, here's to you. You know who you are and our last night together was one for the books. So many laughs. I will cherish our friendship, and am so excited that I was able get to know all of you over the last year. I wish you all the best in the future, and into our student teaching adventures.

Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday season. Cheers to 2018!



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