Here's a new idea. It's almost like a play date. What our parents used to set up to give us something to and for our mothers to have some time to socialize as well. They joined different groups to meet moms and asked what day would work for them to get together, well it has now gone to cyberspace. If you are alone and wanting to socialize and meet new people, MatchActivity is the place to be. People are able to post activities and then members can meesage eachother letting whoever posted the event that they are interested. He or she then rummages through profiles and decides who he or she will take to an event. It is a great idea I think. Check it out
So once again I attempt to start my blog on weight loss. However, I've entered a new chapter in my life. Babies. Well not quite yet, but we'll get there. Here's some history..... I was diagnosed with endometriosis in March of 2010, only 3 months after getting married. I had a laparoscopy and had 5-6 different areas. I continued treatment with birth control overlapping each month and when that didn't seem to help the symptoms I started on Lupron. For those of you that are familiar with this product you can attest to its wonderfulness as well as its downfalls. The Lupron put my body into menopause at the age of 24 :) Fun Fun fun!!!! On the first round of shots I did not have a hormone replacement pill which I wish I would have. I had shots every month for 3 months then took a break. In June I had a 3 month dose of Lupron again. The pain continued and I had a second laparoscopy with a tubular dye study in September, and here we are. Our game plan...... My OB/GYN wants to t...