Great class tonight at the Y! I have the hardest working, sweat pumping members. I love how hard they work no matter what the workout is.
I gave them a workout tonight. Three sets of intervals.
1st set:
1 minute each of each exercise
4 Rounds
*push up with rotation
*squat with over head press
*walking plank
*hand release push ups
*lawn mower high pull
2nd set:
1 minute each
4 Rounds
*squat jumps
*plank jack
*split jack lunge
3rd set:
Tabata Style
30 second sets -
20 -25 sec work 5-10 sec rest
2xs each exercise 2x through
*skiier with weight
*dead lift
*reverse lunge with bicep curl
*plank with tricep curl
I have a 55 minute class and had to cut the second round of the third set to only doing each exercise only once.
With a short warm up and cool down its about 55 minutes.
Enjoy that extra dessert tonight or another glass of wine. It's well deserved!
Happy Friday