Have you heard of burning pages? Literally, burning pages of paper. There is an actual purpose to doing this. Why? Stress relief. There is a bit of work involved prior to lighting the paper on fire for those pyros who just can't wait to see something burn.
Burning pages is a technique used to reduce stress by first writing down your thoughts and emotions on paper. Allow the words to flow freely onto the paper. It doesn't need to have punctuation, or be grammatically correct. Once you've completed all your thoughts it's time to let it burn.
Take your pages outside and start them on fire. Allow the pages to fully burn until they turn to ash.
After the pages have burned the idea is that you have eliminated those thoughts and feelings from your day. You have allowed those words to become part of something else and have ridded yourself of the stressful thoughts and emotions. You have made an active decision to try to make yourself feel better by eliminating unwanted feelings to purify mindfulness.
If you believe in a higher power or energy than by burning pages allows those thoughts and feelings to go to the higher power or energy and no longer are internal conflict.
So the next time you have an internal conflict instead of worrying about it for hours, write it down and then burn it up AKA Burning pages 🔥 You will be surprised at how it makes you feel. You could feel empowered, and freed from the stress.
I am no way a doctor or therapist and am offering this technique from personal experience.
~I can & I will~