If I actually had real followers on here I might get some feedback on what truly makes you happy?
Think about it......how many people can honestly say they are TRULY happy. And if you say, "Yes" I want to know your secret.
Everyone has a bad day or two or a shitty situation that they wished they hadn't had to go through. But I do believe there are really, actual happy people out there, And I used to be one of them, Or maybe I was just young and naive at the time as well.
The paths we take, the experiences we make, and the people we meet will all contribute to happiness. But I also think that there are too many people out there who aren't happy but aren't willing to take the steps to find out what it is that is making them unhappy and then make the change. For my instance, I have been jumping from job to job thinking that I was missing out on utilizing my creativity that I love so much. I didn't like the daily task of data entry and poor work environment.
Work places can contribute to a huge amount of unhappiness.I was recently at a Rural Health Conference in Duluth and one of the speakers mentioned work atmosphere as a reason for a high turn over rate. He said that their company actually does real exit interviews to find out what they can do better to keep their employees longer. What a fantastic idea! Change the way things are done to make employees happier about coming to work. If there is an awful working environment, your employees and going to already have a bad attitude coming into the facility. It's great to see that there is higher level management that cares about the workers and their happiness and not just about making a buck. Of course there is distress in any organization, but it's how it's handled, and communicated among the other employees. Work can contribute to an unhappy person, and this is just one example.
Relationships: You may think it's work that is causing the unhappiness. So you make a change. You still aren't happy. Well, then what about your relationship. It could be your significant other, husband, girlfriend, whatever. It could be your person that is making you unhappy; regardless of how long the two of you have been together. Yes, relationships are work and can be exhausting at times. And as I have referenced before in previous blog posts they are not like Hollywood makes them out to be as perfect all the time. Relationship experts say communication is key to a healthy relationship...well duh! But if one person treats you differently than he/she wants to be treated then there is more than just a communication issue. There could be control. Making you change the person you are to be able to fit better together. You try to communicate but your works are considered stupid and worthless, so then you just stop talking altogether and just agree to whatever is said. You lose your opinion, you lose your voice, and you lose your soul.
So, here you are at the bottom of the barrel. It's dark and you can't really see how to get out alive. The walls close in and everything starts to spin out of control. You are so focused on not being happy that it takes over your daily life functions. But you do start getting stronger. You realize that feeling unhappy in any situation isn't what life is about. Life is about taking chances, finding a passion, and finding people who care about you. Find people who make you laugh and want to hear about your shitty days and not tear you down about them. We have this Minnesota Nice persona, and I truly want to get out of it. I really wish people could be real with other people about how they actually are. Do you think that maybe then they could be honest with themselves to start really finding how happy they really are?
Here is life: born, elementary school, high school (some may graduate or some may not), post secondary education )4 yr or 2 yr or community college) some may move onto post graduate education for masters or PhD. Somewhere along the lines there is finding a significant other, kids, and the home.
A five 1/2 year relationship ends with a child in common. So now what. This is the ultimate end to the unhappiness? Doubtful. Because now there are so many other things to consider. Single. One income. But how does one become happy with a situation that they've only known for the last 7 years. It's like recreating an entire new person. There is no rewind button. There is no going back and getting a re-do. You just have to move on, and again, find the faults, fix them, and be a happier person.
No more looking back.....
Think about it......how many people can honestly say they are TRULY happy. And if you say, "Yes" I want to know your secret.
Everyone has a bad day or two or a shitty situation that they wished they hadn't had to go through. But I do believe there are really, actual happy people out there, And I used to be one of them, Or maybe I was just young and naive at the time as well.
The paths we take, the experiences we make, and the people we meet will all contribute to happiness. But I also think that there are too many people out there who aren't happy but aren't willing to take the steps to find out what it is that is making them unhappy and then make the change. For my instance, I have been jumping from job to job thinking that I was missing out on utilizing my creativity that I love so much. I didn't like the daily task of data entry and poor work environment.
Work places can contribute to a huge amount of unhappiness.I was recently at a Rural Health Conference in Duluth and one of the speakers mentioned work atmosphere as a reason for a high turn over rate. He said that their company actually does real exit interviews to find out what they can do better to keep their employees longer. What a fantastic idea! Change the way things are done to make employees happier about coming to work. If there is an awful working environment, your employees and going to already have a bad attitude coming into the facility. It's great to see that there is higher level management that cares about the workers and their happiness and not just about making a buck. Of course there is distress in any organization, but it's how it's handled, and communicated among the other employees. Work can contribute to an unhappy person, and this is just one example.
Relationships: You may think it's work that is causing the unhappiness. So you make a change. You still aren't happy. Well, then what about your relationship. It could be your significant other, husband, girlfriend, whatever. It could be your person that is making you unhappy; regardless of how long the two of you have been together. Yes, relationships are work and can be exhausting at times. And as I have referenced before in previous blog posts they are not like Hollywood makes them out to be as perfect all the time. Relationship experts say communication is key to a healthy relationship...well duh! But if one person treats you differently than he/she wants to be treated then there is more than just a communication issue. There could be control. Making you change the person you are to be able to fit better together. You try to communicate but your works are considered stupid and worthless, so then you just stop talking altogether and just agree to whatever is said. You lose your opinion, you lose your voice, and you lose your soul.
So, here you are at the bottom of the barrel. It's dark and you can't really see how to get out alive. The walls close in and everything starts to spin out of control. You are so focused on not being happy that it takes over your daily life functions. But you do start getting stronger. You realize that feeling unhappy in any situation isn't what life is about. Life is about taking chances, finding a passion, and finding people who care about you. Find people who make you laugh and want to hear about your shitty days and not tear you down about them. We have this Minnesota Nice persona, and I truly want to get out of it. I really wish people could be real with other people about how they actually are. Do you think that maybe then they could be honest with themselves to start really finding how happy they really are?
Here is life: born, elementary school, high school (some may graduate or some may not), post secondary education )4 yr or 2 yr or community college) some may move onto post graduate education for masters or PhD. Somewhere along the lines there is finding a significant other, kids, and the home.
A five 1/2 year relationship ends with a child in common. So now what. This is the ultimate end to the unhappiness? Doubtful. Because now there are so many other things to consider. Single. One income. But how does one become happy with a situation that they've only known for the last 7 years. It's like recreating an entire new person. There is no rewind button. There is no going back and getting a re-do. You just have to move on, and again, find the faults, fix them, and be a happier person.
No more looking back.....