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Happy Mother's Day

Today is a very special day to all Mama's out there. Whether you're a fur baby mama, or a mama who has felt loss, you are just as important in this day dedicated to mother's. Mother's come in all different forms. They aren't always biological because that doesn't automatically make you a mother. A mom is selfless, caring, supportive, worrier, cheerleader, enforcer, loving, and so many more adjectives. But not a single word that describes what being a mom is says it's genetic.

Mom's wear all sorts of hats and walk down different paths. For me, today marks the 4th year I've been able to celebrate being a mom to my Miss K. Although she isn't old enough to really understand what today is all about, she was able to spend it with my mom!

This is a shout-out to all the Mama's out there who had to work to help serve others so they could enjoy his day with their families and mother's. I am one of those mom's who worked today to help make mother's day special for other mom's. While I wish I could have spent my day in bed getting pampered and maybe a nap, I'm happy to show Miss K what hard work looks like. Because it's not always about only doing the things you want, but doing the things that are necessary and that are sometimes not so high up on the fun list.

I am thankful for my mom and dad who helped K pick out flowers to give me to acknowledge this Mother's Day. Without them, it would be just another day.

Being a mom, let alone a single mom, is one of the most difficult and thankless jobs in the world. While I wouldn't change being a mom for anything, I do wish this whole parenting thing came with a book! I am far from being perfect and I find myself thinking, more times than not, that I have no idea what I'm doing. Regardless of not being perfect and feeling like a hot mess 99% of the time, one day it will all pay off. It's not just about someday, those days are happening now. Evey day she surprises me with how much she knows.

Just this weekend, she helped her papa put ice on his arm after getting his skin pinched in a compound bow. Apparently, my anatomy lessons and first aid is paying off. Her curiosity amazes me and how quickly her vocabulary changes.

I may want to scream and lock myself in my car and turn up music just a little too loud, but it's all worth it. My hair may fall out in chunks when I'm stressed out, but it's worth it. I may have too many nights with not enough sleep, but it's worth it. It's worth it to see this little human become a little adult.

There are some things in life that don't make sense but being a mom is not  a one if those things. Because being a mom might not be the easiest job, but I couldn't be happier to be a mom, especially Miss Ks mom.

But one thing is for sure, I couldn't be a mom if it wasn't for my own mom. Thanks Mom for always being in my corner and being such a great role model. I wouldn't be as strong of a woman if it wasn't for you.  Love you!

Happy Mother's Day xoxox


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