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Changes - Take a chance on me

These last few months have brought about quite a few changes....let me break it down for you.

1. I moved....long story...I'll get there
2. I have a new job....this correlates with me moving
3. New house
4. I decided I needed to do what was best for myself and K..this will be vague for obvious reasons.

Number 1 - Moving
I received a call at the end of July in regards for an elementary opening in Alexandria School District. I was more than ready to go back to Mora for start of year #2 as the health/pe and Empowerment of Women teacher. I was offered the position, and accepted it. With that being said, I had just sold my house 6 weeks ago, which meant I was literally homeless. The housing marking is sky-high and a sellers market. I really didn't want to take steps backwards and move back in with my mom and dad.  I searched for house rentals, apartments, the works. It just didn't make sense to spend that kind of money and not get any equity out of it. I've become a big picture thinker....who would have thought!

Number 2 - New Job
I was incredibly sad to leave Mora and my amazing family that I had at school. I've never worked with such amazing people in my entire life. I am so thankful that I am still included in activities, weddings, and get-togethers. While my new job was not at the secondary level, I was open to learning. However, this was a learning curve like an MLB fast pitch. It had been such a quick turn-around since my acceptance, moving from Mora to Alexandria, and also was recruited to coach 9th grade volleyball, which I had absolutely no experience with! It was a whirlwind of transition, but so far, I've survived. I am now teaching K-5 physical education at 3 rural elementary schools. With three schools, this requires me to travel between two schools a day. I enjoy the break in the day, but if you were to ask me what day it was, I would highly have no idea.

Number 3 - New house
During back-to-school workshop, a friend and co-worker told me about a house she had seen on Facebook that just happen to have an open house that night! I saw the address of the house and knew immediately that this was meant to be. It was the same house numbers as the numbers of where I grew up at. It was a 2-story house and on a street where houses have character. It would be a downsize for K and I, but that's what I was looking for. A way to get rid of some of the past, a fresh start, and finding ways to live with minimal stuff. Plus it had a soaker tub...which was part of my 5 year plan!

Number 4 - Love, Life, and the Pursuit of Happiness
With the changes of moving back to Alexandria, B and I realized that we just were not on the same page anymore. While this has been a huge loss, I know that in the end, it will both make us happier in the long run. 2.5 years with someone really teaches you some things about yourself. I can only hope that he finds that person that checks all the boxes for him. As for me, I need to take the time to focus on me, and getting Kennedy adjusted to her new school and our new house. Life is a little simpler without having to drive to St. Cloud two times a weekend. I'm definitely saving money on gas.

I'm hoping that all of these changes will lead to good things and amazing outcomes both professionally and personally. I've taken a lot of chances on this move, and my fingers are crossed that this time I can come out on top. I've never been a betting woman, but this time, I've laid all my cards out on the table and hope to win to find that new normal again.

If you were to ask me where my life would be 10 years ago, I think I would have a completely different picture of what my life would like compared to what reality is.

Here's to the next 6 months....who knows what will happen. Life is just a bunch of twists and turns.



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