It's been awhile since my last post but life has seen to be keeping me busy. The holidays were fine as usual and I was able to celebrate with a few friends.
I still can't remember to write 2016 on my checks.
I'm getting into the groove of teaching 3 classes a week at Vital Fit Club, which Racquetball Plus. My life has literally come in full circle.
Because of how everything ended in my last communications position I've decided to look at new career options. My self-esteem is so low on being able to complete anything correctly I just need to find my new niche.
Every year in January I always ask myself why I live here in Minnesota, where winter is half the year!?! Oh well. Someday I will live in a warm state.
If I try some spiralizing I will post pictures.
Hope everyone has a great week and take a few minutes each day to reflect, center your body, and take a few relaxing breaths. 🎎