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Showing posts from 2007

Product Placement

So many times I feel like I am bombarded with messages urging me to buy this, or buy that. As I surf through the channels at 2 AM, there is nothing but informercials on about a new weight loss program, or a video that will help you get ready for swim suit season. Whether it is on TV during your favorite episode of Grey's Anatomy, or in your favorite movies, there is constantly a demand for our attention for the products that our favorite characters use. I recently revisted my favorite TV series the OC and watched few episodes on DVD this weekend and noticed that even, in the first few episodes, there are the characters eating LAY's potatoe chips, and the bag is clearly marked. Producers were able to get Lay's to advertise within the first 3 episodes. The next time you go to the theater and pay $8 to see a new movie like Blades of Glory, see how many times you notice a name brand used or a product that is strategically placed for its aucience to see how it is being used a

Pictures are Worth a Thousand Words

Kodak pictures has single handed coined the phrase "A picture is worth a thousand words." And I agree. Just this past weekend, while on choir tour, many pictures were taken of people sleeping with their mouths open, a few girls showing off their bling of Cobber rings, and many re-enactments of our favorite choir songs...MAO??(Inside joke) But regardless of the numerous pictures that were taken, we were able to capture memories that we will never ever forget. With that being said, and me still trying to catch up on missed homework and lost hours in the office I have to mention hockey and my lack of it this past weekend. The Jets were in Marquette MI hoping to clinch the division title with an acutal win, but failed to win, but still clinched the division. Crazy I know, but I'm still proud of them. Thanks to this great website found by a Jets player, I was able to relive the game through over 800 pictures taken of those games. I realized how great of a fight I missed

Online Socialization

Here's a new idea. It's almost like a play date. What our parents used to set up to give us something to and for our mothers to have some time to socialize as well. They joined different groups to meet moms and asked what day would work for them to get together, well it has now gone to cyberspace. If you are alone and wanting to socialize and meet new people, MatchActivity is the place to be. People are able to post activities and then members can meesage eachother letting whoever posted the event that they are interested. He or she then rummages through profiles and decides who he or she will take to an event. It is a great idea I think. Check it out

Spring Break Whoo

Why is Concordia's spring break so early? I understand that yes, we get out almost two week earlier than most state schools, but seriously, why not have spring break around the same time as other colleges so we can plan vacations with other friends from different colleges? Not that I'm complaining, but Arizona was suppose to be 80 degress this past week. A whole 10 degrees warmer than what it was last week...Maybe they are looking out for us and our skin...reduce the amount of skin cancer in Cobbers. Just a thought.

Travel Disasters

Sports have a huge influence on my life due to the fact that I'm interning for a sports team. And secondly, because I have hopes of working for a professional sports team someday. I'm sure many people have heard about the bus fatailty that occured this past weekend. A sad story for all those people involved in sports. This hit close to home because of my devotion to the local minor league hockey team as an intern and the guys I have grown to love as individuals and accept their wild personalities. The Jets were on the road this weekend and they too had something to say about the incident. As the players sat around the lobby early Saturday morning, the buzz was the bus accident. Knowing that they too would be on the road in a few hours made them weary of what can happen on the road. It made me think of how, in a quick short turn, I may never see these players again. And the fact that the interstate 94 had been closed the previous night didn't make anyone feel comfor

Valentine's Day: A day devoted to love

I don't think I will ever be too old to come home and enjoy home cooked food. I haven't ventured back home since the end of December. Now, you may be thinking, a month and ten days, is nothing to get all worked up about, but only being an hour and a half from my home town, makes it a lot easier to make the treck. Regardless of the time I haven't been at home, it is always reassuring when I make my left turn onto my street and find my house. The driveway is always the same, my brother's car is always backed in and parked in the same spot, the one I used to have when I lived at home. As I pulled into my driveway at 3 AM Saturday morning, my parents had graciously left the yard light on, and the living room light on as well. I couldn't help but feel appreciated and already cared about even before saying, "I made it home," to my parents who had long been asleep. I'm 20 years old, and still feel that warm fuzzy feeling when my mom cooks me dinner or w

SuperBowl Commercial = Super Let Down

For as long as I can remember the Super Bowl was about football, and of course the 2.5 million dollar commercials. However, the past few years have been of dissapointment, the football games and commercials. In hopes of a new year, and possibly new commericals I was hopeful for all of this hype as a turn around for the once famous 30 second spot during the Super Bowl. While eating my riblets and sipping on a Mountain Dew watching the Colts burry the Bears, I was not entertained by the commercials once again. Nonetheless, there were a few in which I manged to laugh outloud to. It just goes to show that "normal" people, like you and me, who have just as creative ideas as those making six figure salaries can create a commercial and connect with people. Doritos was one of those companies who took the challenge into the public, and produced a quite entertaining commercial. Chevy also produced a car commercial, which was the college student winner, and I think that was my favo

Interns and Perceptions

This past weekend myself and another intern for the FM Jets, decided to take a road trip to Bismark and watch the Jets take on their arch rivals . Being an intern for the Jets makes you appreciate being able to be on the inside of the operations. Of course you always think that the organization you work for has the "BEST" of everything, but in this case, I think that we do. In my few months of being an intern, I have learned how to 'dress to impress' to represent the organization in a positive manner. It is one thing to dress crazy for 80's night and really get into it, but on the other hand, dressing professionally on non-theme nights is also appropriate. However, the Bismark interns were not representing their organization in a positive matter...from my perception. I didn't know hooker boots were appropriate to wear in front of hockey fans. One of the interns was wearing high black heeled boots with a very short skirt of some sort, but I couldn't s

How's My Wave?

As I was driving back from Minneapolis after picking up friends from the airport at 6AM, I was trying to stay awake and read the billboards as I was making the treck up to wonderful Moorhead Minnesota. There really isn't anything amazing to look at besides words on signs after Fergus Falls. However, as I neared Barnsville, and noting (only 30 more miles) a sign on the left side of the I-94 caught my attention. There was Cenex sign, with a 3-D Cenex man waving at those passing by with a speech bubble " How's my waving?" And then a number followed 1-877-CHAT. Now, I have no idea what the purpose of this billboard is. I have been contemplating this for the entire weekend. Is it brand recognition? A friendly hello? The billboard itself isn't selling anything, but it does catch the drivers eye. Whoever designed this billboard was creative, but I'm still confused as to what the object of this billboard is. Do they really want people to call and 'chat