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Showing posts from 2012

Better Late than Never

This post if definitely overdue! As was my pregnancy, I will take this time to recap...... October 11, 2012 7pm My husband and I arrived at the hospital to check in for my induction. The day had finally come where I wasn't going to get bumped from the schedule. I was more than ready to get this baby out. They got me to my room and I changed into my lovely hospital gown. The nurses had me fill out a 10 page questionnaire about everything! I was hooked up to the monitors and was contracting :) Nothing major, but I was having some consistent contractions, which means, I had been contracting for at least about the past week, but nothing to progress me into full blown labor. They administered the drug cytotec to get my body going. They can give the drug every 4 hours if things aren't progressing. Then they would give me pitocin at 6am and see how things would go from there. They monitored my belly for about a half hour and then told me to start walking. We walked and walked an

40+ Weeks

I am completely ready to be done! This anticipation is killing me. 40 weeks - 10 months of carrying this child is long enough. I truly miss my body. I miss normal sleep - even though I know there will be no "normal" ever again, as far as sleep goes :) I miss working out; Although I did teach a spin class last Thursday in hopes that I could get the baby to come early....well here we are, and still no baby. I had a planned induction on Monday the 8th, but got bumped because of another patient. So I was then scheduled for Tuesday night, my actual due date. I then received a call that I was going to get bumped to Thursday night because of another patient that needed the Wednesday spot. So here we are. Thursday....4 days after my initial induction date. I have done everything to try to get my body to go into labor on its own. Sex, bumpy roads, walking. I walked all weekend. Tons of hills, up, down, and around. Still NOTHING!!!! My doctor stripped membranes on Monday in hopes o

1 Week and 2 days to go....

I can hardly wait. I can't even stand it anymore. So it has been a few weeks since my last post so here is a recap. I have been seeing my doctor every week since I was 36 weeks. I have yet to dialte to more than a finger tip and my cervix is still ver thick. Last Tuesday night I was having consistant contractions every ten minutes. They had started in the afternoon and continued until 3am! But then they stopped. I went to the doctor in the morning and got checked out....and nothing! I hadn't changed at all!!!! All that pain and discomfort for nothing. So I'm still waiting. I think I had lot my mucus plug that previous Thursday, but not completely sure. My doctor was on "vacation" this weekend, but she didn't think that I would go into labor anyways...which I haven't. Although, I am now prepared to do just about ANYTHING to try and get my body to start contracting. I want this baby out sooooo badly. My hands and feet continue to swell. If I thought

Just about there - 36 Weeks

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, although I can't seem to get there fast enough. I know that I've been saying this for awhile now - but I am truly ready for this baby to come. Sleeping at night is getting even more difficult than it was before. I feel like I'm constantly regurgitating my food and can never get comfortable. We have moved once again! But this time is was a little less exhausting and time consuming since we only had to move what we were currently using. In preparing my list for my hospital bag and things that I still need for the baby, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with all the loose ends. Still need to get the crib set up, find a place for the baby to sleep. The whole idea of using the pack and play bassinette isn't going to work with the amount of space that we have in our bedroom. I'm still in need of little pants, and I have to decide what bag I'm going to pack all of my stuff in. These things may seem trivial but this wh

33-34 WEEKS

It has been a long week. Tuesday we had our follow up ultra sound to determine if Baby S had turned...and it did!!! We are so excited about that. The ultrasound tech said that there was still fluid around the kidneys, but I haven't heard from the doctor if the levels are normal or not. So both my husband and I left the clinic and he went to work and I went to get my dress fitted for the wedding this weekend. I hadn't been feeling the greatest that morning. A little light headed but figured it would past. Even during the ultrasound I felt really uncomfortable and dizzy. I barely made it through the fitting. She was trying to figure out how to make the top of the dress fit better since it was WAY too big and I had to sit down - TWICE. I tried to tough through it. I called my doctor, left a message, and they told me to come in. By this point, I had a headache, my hands had started to swell even more than the day before and I just didn't feel right. They ran a bunch o

32 Weeks

I am so ready. I am ready to not be pregnant any more. I know that sounds terrible but I truly miss my old body. I miss being able to run and sleep normal. Although the sleeping thing is not going to change to any normal schedule anytime soon. My lists of things to get done is growing. List number 1 - Things to have for Baby Baby Check List • 7 onesies (short sleeved and long sleeved) • 7 footed sleepers • Lots of newborn socks (10 pairs) • 3 rompers • Bouncy seat/swing • Prepare frozen meals for a few weeks • Car seat • Bassinet • Glider • Changing Table • Baby Carrier/sling • Breast Pump • Diaper Genie • Blanks for swaddling • Diapers o Two pages of new born diapers o One packed of size 1 diapers • Wipes • Diaper rash cream • Baby shampoo & baby wash • Baby bath tub • Baby towels & wash cloths • Diaper bag • Stroller • Water proof protector for crib • Water proof mattress cover for queen sized bed List number 2 - what to pack in my hospital

31 Weeks...well just about

It's been a few weeks since my last post. My husband and I have been running around town getting things ready to start building this month. It's so crazy to think that we've been looking for a house since February and had thought of the idea of building but knew that we would get more house if we purchased one and here we are getting building permits, 911 address signs and lining up all of our suppliers. Until the baby is born this will be my next project...building a house. Then it will be moving into the in-laws house after my sister-in-laws wedding and planning for baby and a house. Then it will be planning a house and taking care of baby :) I guess we just like to keep things interesting! Excavation is planned for August 13th- One week away! And then I'll be 32 weeks. Officially 8 months pregnant. I only have about 9 weeks to go, less if we have a planned c-section. Baby S is still moving around a lot. I think it's training to be a UFC fighter with all

28 Weeks

It's offical. I'm starting my countdown.... But first a congratulations to my dad...... Today we celebrated his retirement from a job that he's been at for 16 years. A few tears were shed as he said good-bye to his work family, but I'm so proud of him for what he has done during his 16 years of service. I have grown up learning about patience, kindness, caring, and dedication because of my dad. I learned to not say 'no' in a good way; which shows dedication and loyalty. I'm proud of him that he is now moving on to the next chapter in his life: Retirement, and being a papa. I know that there are great opportunities awaiting for him - to help him expand his horizons - and for him to enjoy waking up each day with a 'no stress' sense of being. I love you dad! And congratuations on your next journey. May I be here to encourage you on this road so called life..... As for me a baby S we are still plugging along. We had our 28 week follow up u

27 Weeks and Counting Down - 95 days to go

According to my last post I was at the 16 week mark. Well now, I will be 27 weeks on Tuesday. Only 95 days to go. That seems manageable right?!? So much has happened in the past 12 weeks..... 1. We officially sold our house and moved in with my parents. 2. We haven't found a new house to live in so my wonderful in-laws have agreed to let us start our family of 3 in their basement while we are building our house. 3. We are currently in the process of getting bids for our house and finalizing the plans for the build. I guess that's about it, but when I think about it, life has been really stressful! We will find out next week after our 28 week follow up ultrasound to see if anything has changed from the previous ultrasound. I'm starting to feel more out of breath and my belly is tight constantly. I have eliminated all exercising because it causes too many contractions. I'm missing my runs and even walking the dogs. I was cleaning the house last week and had

16 Weeks!!!!!

Today it's official...I'm 16 weeks pregos. I just had my check up yesterday and things are going just fine. I'm still not feeling 100% so I'm on a 5mg of prednisone to keep the nausea in check. Last Friday was a horrific day. I worked a night shift and was not feeling well most of the night. As soon as I got home at 5am and was feeling horrible - I couldn't keep anything down until after 1pm that afternoon. Let's just say I had a bad run in with breakfast potatoes that took me 45 minutes to make and then about 30 seconds for them to resurface. But I did manage to devour a delicoius ice cream cone from a small town dairy bar. Just a little quaint town a few miles from where we live where all the high school kids go to during lunch since they can't drive off of school property during school hours. So, with feeling so ill lately my love for cooking has taken a back burner. I have no energy to cook or even drive to the grocery store. My laundry has been sit

Staying Positive

Yes, I know it has been a while since my last post. I will do a quick update as to what's been going on. Last week on Friday I was so sick, and had 2 liters of fluids put through and IV. They couldn't find a vein because I was so dehydrated. I'm still on the Zofran every 6 hours. I'm on the dissovable ones now :) Everyday is different and I just don't know what each day will bring. We sold our house and are now looking for a new place to live.....we put in an offer and the sellers wouldn't come down in their price. I guess it just wasn't meant to be. So the search will continue. I hope my parents and my husbands parents are ready for some extra roommates :) I'll be fifteen weeks on Tuesday. Not quite half way there, but getting closer. My 5K is coming up soon and I haven't been running like I was a few weeks ago. The weather changed to super cold so it just wasn't fun running outside. So, that's my quick update.....

Keeps Gettin' Better

Well this week has been interesting. It's only Saturday night and I feel like it's been two weeks feeling like this. Time seems to go so slow when you want things to progress quickly. I feel that if I'm going to be pregnant, it would be nice if I looked the part. I'm sure I'll be retracting my words a few months down the line, but I just feel normal. And don't get me wrong, I love that I still fit into my size 8 skinny jeans that I've worked so hard to fit into these past few months, but I see all these cute pregnant girls and I want to join the club. Let me back track this week to Monday....I thought I was going to die. I had to stop in at work and get some papers signed at the court house. I climbed the backstair way all the while talking to my husband on the phone. As I got to the top of the steps there is a small table with brochures on it. I have no idea what the brochures were or what they talked about, all I could focus on was not falling to the floor

9 weeks down, 215 days to go.....

I can't believe that I'm over 9 weeks along! My husband and I are very excited about our upcoming bundle and just can't refrain from telling people. So, it's official, we are starting to tell more people now, because I'm almost 10 weeks and it's safe to say that things will continue progress normally. And for the most part, this pregnancy has been normal, for those women who get to enjoy the morning sickness at all hours of the day. I continue to fight my battle with food and finding something that won't make me sick. I'm so nervous that people are work are going to start thinking that I'm bulimic! After every meal, run to the bathroom. Feel like crap for a few hours then feel hungry again! I try to eat as healthy as possible, but nothing at this point even tastes good....except fried food! The warm juices of a hamburger dripping down my throat just makes me sit in pure calmness. Now ask me in 10 minutes how I feel and it will be a different story. M

It's Been Too Long

It has been quite some time since my last post. I took some time off from blogging to try and focus not only on the problem of not getting pregnant, but enjoying life and what opportunities I have at this very moment. I really started exercising, not as a way to lose weight, although that never is bad thing :) but just for something else to focus on. I love how my body feels after a grueling workout of sweat dripping heart pounding muscle enduring workout. I was getting a little carried away when all I thought about was when my next workout was going to be, and then it happened...... My husband and I took a little trip to Mexico for some much deserved R&R along with my mom and dad. It was a quick 5 day trip, but every minute was so worth it! I had been tracking my BBT for about 3 weeks at this time and my doctor said that implantation would not take place for 10 days after ovulation, so when we got back from our trip I still had to wait to find out. I took an early detection home p

A New Year

Today starts a new day of a brand new year. Well, technically it's the second day of a brand new year. It was brought to my attention that I haven't updated my blog in quite some time. So that baby thing in on hold until my body figures out what it wants to do or if it's even something it wants to do. On another note, I have been faithfully working out and have maintained my 13+ lbs of weightloss since July 4th. I recently started utilizing CrossFit workouts with my husband and his good friend. Although I can't keep up with them, I try my best to work as hard as I can. I've also started teaching at the local YMCA - Pilates/Yoga & Spin Working out and sweating has become my new drug and I LOVE IT! My husband and I are celebrating our 2 year anniversary today - I can't believe how much we have done in the past two years; our adventures, our trials and tribulations our accomplishments and our failures. It's crazy to think that 2 years ago, on a Saturday tha