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Showing posts from 2017

Flashback Friday (to two weeks ago...)End of Semester.....I made it

Every year at the start of the semester I say that I'm going to be better about blogging and updating. Well, once again, I've failed to post anything since September. Things tend to get a little crazy 4 weeks after the start of the semester and then I look back and think, "Where did the time go?" As always, I'll give you a recap of how the semester went down.... This post has been a long time coming. Again, I spent countless hours on the road four days a week. It was becoming exhausting, and routine. I was getting burnt out. But the thing about this semester is that there was light at the end of it. I was going to be free from driving 200 miles a day, and be in my student teaching placement, hopefully somewhat close to home. The amount of stress that I endured this semester was more than I thought I would have to manage. Between practicums, night classes, working at the winery, the single mom thing, and then a relationship on top of it all, I'm not sure ho...

Best Year Yet: Cheers to 2017

With the year 2017 soon coming to a close and a New Year's resolution just around the corner, I have to think back on the past 365 days. I looked at my blog list and saw about 6 different posts that still had draft next to their title post. Leaving unfinished drafts is not like me, but apparently my head has been in the clouds or I realized it was almost midnight and I still had homework to complete. I realize I have not been as dedicated to this blog as I would have like to have been the last year, but the one thing I did commit to doing this year was making it about me, and finding true happiness. And my 2017 New Year's resolution has been completed! Maybe the first real resolution that I've ever held myself accountable for. But for real, if I look back at last year around this same time I remember thinking about how thankful I was for my true friends and all of our adventures that we get ourselves into. It has been one of those years that has been extremely difficult...

Juice Cleanse

As promised, here is my blog post on how my 1-day juice cleanse went. I know, it's a little late, but my school schedule has been crazy...and it was Grape Stomp this past weekend. To say I'm a little exhausted is an understatement. But regardless, I'm back at it, tackling another week, and doing another cleanse as we speak. As a disclaimer, I did this cleanse on my own and was not compensated for doing the cleanse. I am not being compensated for my review of the cleanse. The reason I wanted to do the cleanse was for one, just to try it out. My other reason was the fact that I've been stuck at the same number on the scale for almost a year. It hasn't changed at all, regardless of all my changes. Even with my exercise this summer, it hasn't fluctuated much. I also wanted to see if by doing a cleanse would help reduce some of my headaches. Lately, they have been getting out of control again. I had read a little bit on how to prepare for the cleanse by eating mo...

Americas Sweetheart

The following lyrics is what is playing non stop repeat right now. It brings me back to dancing to this amazing band in Brandon, SD after my aunts wedding this past weekend. Music has always been my therapy to help me through all seasons of life. This song, hearing it live, I literally felt the beat in my bones. I could feel it running through my veins and I danced. I danced like no one was watching. I didn't care what I looked like, because I was in a zone. I had this calm come over me as I was in the moment and being thankful for all that I have; my family, my daughter, my health, my opportunity to go back to school, and feeling LOVE. I rocked to this song! The drummer killed it, and their main singer was amazing! So grateful to have spent the night with family who is always looking out for me, and of course my handsome wedding date. To everyone who has always been there. XOXO  ~A America's Sweetheart Elle King L...

Pre-school & Perfection

Today was a monumental day. K started her last year of preschool. With a birthday being in October, she has the wonderful opportunity of being in preschool for two years, instead of just one. I am very lucky to live in a town where we have so many great options for PreK instruction. But today, I was a mess. I overslept, and forgot her new backpack at home as I was rushing out the door with my backpack for school. I got into the parking lot and realized, "Oh f*&%! I forgot her backpack!" Such a trivial item, but it would be so important to K. A and K had been waiting for me, at our intended meeting time of 7:55, because I insisted on being early to take pictures, and here I was the one who f'd up, and didn't wake up on time. I was so focused on what I forgot to get done and didn't do, that I neglected to embrace the moment she was experiencing on her last first day of PreK. Thankfully, I remembered the "First Day of School" sign I bought two m...

Dance, Dance Dance

So here's the big news. I AM OFFICIALLY A DANCE MOM! Not the news you were expecting? Rest assured, there will be plenty of humorous posts for the next 9 months about my experience as a dance mom. After K's debut with tball this summer, I needed to find another activity for her to try out. I started dance when I was around her age. I absolutely loved it. I danced for the same company K will be dancing for. I think it will provide her with another social outlet, but also keep her moving. That was her issue with was TOO boring. Sorry baseball fans. I love baseball, but it is just too slow of a sport for her. Although she would definitely be okay with being the DH, but I don't think you get that position until high school. Apparently this dance thing is a really really big deal. There are TWO nights for registration. And let me tell you, it is like filling out paperwork for having a baby. There is a financial contract you have to sign, basically signing your lif...

God only gives you what you can handle

Where do I begin. This summer has been the best of any summer I can remember, besides the summer going into my senior year at Concordia. That was an epic summer I'll never forget. But this summer, was one for the books, in so many ways. For one, this was the first time I have had a break from school in 365 days. I took every opportunity and enjoyed my days off, not online submitting papers or reading a text book. Summer school ended at the end of June, and I pulled off 2 B's and an A.  I've always said that you meet people in your life for a reason, and I truly believe that. Over the last year I have met countless people. At different times I have questioned their motivation, but I also have embraced the opportunity to find out what their purpose is to me. Whether people stay in your life or leave, there is always a lesson learned. And then, there are those moments when you meet people and you know right away, that they will have an impact on your life, and in a goo...

Semester Recap & Happy Memorial Day

In the busyness of life, I always seem to forget something. Whether it is something at the grocery store or forgetting to get toilet paper at Target when I have already been there three times in one day, it's always a struggle! Like my dad would always say, "I'd lose my head if it wasn't attached to my body." With that in mind, let's recap this past semester of death and how it all turned out. Even though I literally thought I was going to die from all the stress and thinking, what was I thinking for taking 25 credits, it didn't turn out so bad. My spring 2017 semester is as follows: 10 classes, 25 credits, 7 A's and 3 B's....3.75 cum GPA. I guess I can't really complain about it. I traveled another 12,000 or so miles 4 days a week, and I've already started summer school, with another 3 classes equaling 9 credits. At least this only lasts 6 weeks and then I have the rest of my summer to relax and enjoy summer! It was another busy weeken...


Where do I even begin? I started this year off wanting to not live in the past and only live in the moment, do things for myself, and truly make this year about me and what I want. I've come to the point though where I feel I need to really break down some walls and talk about trust. I've been divorced for two years in July. I have yet to have a "real" relationship since that time. I tend to keep people at an arms length, likely because of my lack of faith and trust in people in general. I had a heart to heart with a dear friend of mine last week where I broke down into tears. You see, she and I have been friends since my divorce and she has been there for me through pretty much everything. She said I had been "off" lately and I wanted to know what she meant by that. She said she couldn't say what it was exactly, but I just didn't seem like myself. I always have a lot going on in my head, and this past month hasn't been any different. I came ...

Happy Mother's Day

Today is a very special day to all Mama's out there. Whether you're a fur baby mama, or a mama who has felt loss, you are just as important in this day dedicated to mother's. Mother's come in all different forms. They aren't always biological because that doesn't automatically make you a mother. A mom is selfless, caring, supportive, worrier, cheerleader, enforcer, loving, and so many more adjectives. But not a single word that describes what being a mom is says it's genetic. Mom's wear all sorts of hats and walk down different paths. For me, today marks the 4th year I've been able to celebrate being a mom to my Miss K. Although she isn't old enough to really understand what today is all about, she was able to spend it with my mom! This is a shout-out to all the Mama's out there who had to work to help serve others so they could enjoy his day with their families and mother's. I am one of those mom's who worked today to help make mot...

Hello Spring

It's been one hell of a semester to say the least. I can't believe I actually have made it to the end. Countless hours of driving, one small car accident, and 10 classes, I am nearing the end of spring semester 2017. I can't say that I'm completely stress-free at the moment, but I'm hoping I will have a feeling of accomplishment on Tuesday May 9th when everything is said and done. It's been a crazy semester and we've all felt the stress, but the rest of my hpe people know exactly what I'm talking about. We keep encouraging one another that it will all be over soon and we can finally enjoy some time off from school. With the weather "starting" to get warmer that means one thing ... wedding season! It also means it's birthday time. I can't say that I am thrilled to be turning another year older but I know that this year is going to be a great year. This year is all about me and accomplishing my goals and being the strongest person I'...

Happy Valentine's Day.....just a little late

Valentine's Day is my least favorite "holiday." And I say "holiday" because it really isn't a holiday at all. It was invented as a commercial holiday to sell more cards, over-priced chocolate, and unforeseeable prices on flowers. Up until this year I had never gotten actual roses on Valentine's Day. And no, they did not come from a man. My amazing dad, along with my precious Miss K, got me a dozen roses as a surprise when I got home from school. We had to celebrate a day early because of my school schedule, but the flowers were definitely a surprise. I made Miss K's valentine's as I always do for preschool and daycare. I'm trying to be a Pinterest mom when I can, and I'm very proud of these. Not a ton of work, but it just took some planning. With all the pressure to "have it all together," and I totally don't, I attempt to make up for it with these simple, yet time consuming valentine. My Non-Traditional Vale...

Welcome to 2017

I'm off and running with another semester. Four days of driving back and forth for a total of 200 miles a day, 800 miles and week, and an oil change every 6 weeks. I sometimes think I'm crazy for doing all this, but I have this overwhelming feeling of accomplishment. I have never felt this exhilarated in anything I've done before. I have confidence, independence, and finally some self-worth. I have to give a huge shout-out to my adviser. We met on the first day of class this semester and we figured out how I could add a few more classes to my schedule this semester and would be able to graduate a semester early. Now, there is a downside to all of this excitement. I'm taking 25 credits, which equates to 10 classes - 9 on campus and 1 online. There are many days that I think I'm crazy for doing this, but I keep reminding myself that it will be all worth it in the end! On another note, I am back to writing for Chicz magazine and had a short article published in ...